Tag Archives: Litigation

Final dismissal by the US Court of Digi Communications NV litigation in the US

BUCHAREST, Romania, 11-Jan-2021 — /EPR LAW NEWS/ — In connection with the claim brought by certain US citizens against the Company, RCS & RDS S.A., RCS Management S.A., DIGI Távközlési és Szolgáltató Kft, and its subsidiary, i-TV Digitális Távközlési Zrt. (the “Defendants”) in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia – Alexandria Division, which we have previously disclosed in our periodic reports, the Company would like to inform its investors and the market that, on 24 November 2020, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit issued an order granting the motion of the Plaintiffs Appellants to voluntarily dismiss the case with regards to i-TV Digitális Távközlési Zrt (the last remaining Defendant in this case).

All claims by all Plaintiffs in the matter have now been rejected and dismissed by the district court, and all potential appeal claims as to those dismissals have been rejected or dismissed at the appellate court. Plaintiffs are time-barred from any attempt to resurrect the claims, the statute of limitations on each claim for each Plaintiff having expired. The case file has been closed at the district court, and the judgment in favor of Defendants is a final judgment.

The Company welcomes this much awaited final solution regarding the US litigation.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Дело Radio Star Ltd. против Matvil Corp. о защите прав на интеллектуальную собственность проливает свет на коррумпированность юридической системы Молдовы

TORONTO, Canada, 15-May-2020 — /EPR LAW NEWS/ — Как обнаружил один из ведущих провайдеров этнического онлайн-телевидения, предоставляющий услуги на территории Северной Америки, Matvil Corp., у легальных вещателей не существует надежной системы защиты от недобросовестных конкурентов. Интернет пираты, пытающиеся пробиться на рынок США и Канады путём подтасовок, манипулирования данными и используя коррумпированные судейские системы стран Восточной Европы, пытаются дестабилизировать деятельность успешно работающих компаний и нанести им серьезный финансовый и репутационный ущерб.

Ярким доказательством этого явилось дело Radio Star Ltd. против Matvil Corp.

8 июня 2018 года Radio Star Ltd. подала иск против Matvil Corp. в суде города Кишинев (Молдова), заявив, что последний незаконно вещает ряд российских и украинских телеканалов на территории республики Молдова.

Сразу следует отметить, что в поддержку своих требований компания Radio Star (Молдова), сознательно и намеренно использовала обход технических средств защиты, предпринятых Matvil Corp., а в последствии представила их в качестве доказательств.

Используя программу ExpressVPN, сообщники или работники компании Radio Star (Молдова), (которая является в данном случае медийным «пиратом»), физически находясь на территории Республики Молдова, создали учетные записи пользователей и, используя американские IP-адреса, с локацией в Нью-Джерси, США, зарегистрировались на сайте Matvil Corp, тем самым создав иллюзию получения предлагаемых компанией услуг.

Следует разъяснить, что программа ExpressVPN представляет собой виртуальный туннель, который виртуально изменяет физическое место нахождения компьютера или другого электронного устройства, присваивая данному устройству виртуальный IP-адрес, с указанием виртуальной локации в любой точке мира (по выбору пользователя данной программы), при этом, физически, электронное устройство находится в своём территориальном пространстве.

Компания Matvil Corp является добропорядочным медийным провайдером, который предоставляет услуги вещания онлайн ТВ на территории Канады и США.

Любой доступ пользователям из других стран строго запрещён и недоступен.

Однако, злонамеренное желание незаконного обогащения толкает таких злоумышленников как Radio Star (Молдова) на незаконные действия, фальсификацию, мошенничество и совершение преступлений с использованием IT-технологий.

Более того, как стало известно уже в рамках судебного разбирательства, у Radio Star (Молдова) вообще нет эксклюзивных прав на вещание российских и украинских телеканалов на территории республики Молдова. Radio Star (Молдова) является всего лишь агентом по распределению и заключению договоров с конечным потребителем и с ограниченным сроком действия договорных соглашений.

Помимо этого, компания Matvil Corp не получала каких-либо претензий в свой адрес от законных обладателей авторских прав, а Radio Star (Молдова) не представила доказательств предоставленных полномочий от владельцев авторских прав на защиту их интересов.

Несмотря на всё вышеизложенное, 18.01.2019 Суд первой инстанции города Кишинёв, судья Оксана Парфени, вынесла решение в пользу Radio Star, приняв все их сфабрикованные доказательства как достоверные, при этом отказала представителям Matvil Corp в праве заслушать экспертов/специалистов в области IT-технологии, также отказала в праве заслушать тех лиц, которые якобы получили доступ к сервису.

Если бы суд был объективным и беспристрастным, то данным злоумышленникам необходимо было задать всего лишь один вопрос:

«По какой причине и для чего они использовали программу ExpressVPN, использовали американские IP-адреса, с локацией в Нью-Джерси, США, а не попытались авторизироваться на сайте Matvil Corp под действительными молдавскими IP-адресами?»

14.02.2019 адвокат Matvil Corp обжаловал Решение первой инстанции, однако, и здесь пришлось столкнуться с предвзятым отношением.

05.04.2019, то есть спустя 2 месяца, Апелляционная палата Кишинёва, вынесла Определение, которым постановила вернуть апелляционную жалобу по причине, что она была подана неуполномоченным лицом. Основанием для такого постановления послужил банальный и абсолютно незаконный мотив: якобы доверенность, выданная на имя адвоката компании, не была легализована в Министерстве Иностранных дел РМ.

Следует отметить, что данное Определение не было отправлено (утаили по всей видимости для того, чтобы истекли сроки обжалования) в адрес адвоката компании Matvil Corp вплоть до 15.05.2019. Лишь после обращения с официальным заявлением и требованием сообщить, на каком этапе находится поданная апелляция, судебная инстанция соизволила выдать данное Определение.

В этот же день, 15.05.2019, адвокат подал протест на Определение от 05.04.2019, которым постановили вернуть апелляцию, а 26.06.2019 Высшая Судебная Палата РМ постановила, что полномочия являются законными, вследствие чего обязала Апелляционную Палату рассмотреть жалобу на решение первой инстанции по существу.

Таким образом, появился первый луч надежды на объективность и честность Молдавской Судебной системы.

14.11.2019 – Апелляционный суд признал тот факт, что Radio Star (Молдова) не обладает никакими эксклюзивными правами в отношении вещания ТВ программ и не обладает полномочиями от их законных собственников и, как следствие, отменил решение первой инстанции и отказал злоумышленникам в иске.

Казалось бы – справедливость восторжествовала!!!

Однако, чудеса правовой/судебной системы Молдовы продолжились.

Совершенно случайно и благодаря бдительности адвокатов, стало известно, что Radio Star 14.01.2020 подали кассационную жалобу в Высшую Судебную Палату.

Данная информация появилась на сайте судебной инстанции, однако до сегодняшнего дня, ни Matvil Corp, ни адвокат компании, не получили копию данной жалобы и не были официально проинформированы о её существовании.

При этом, 18.03.2020 данная жалоба уже прошла процедуру допустимости, а само рассмотрение назначено на 20.05.2020 и, что примечательно, без участия сторон!

Эта серия несоблюдений требований Закона самой системой, которая создана для его защиты, показывает, что она служит интересам определенной группы людей.

Используя молдавскую судебную систему, недобросовестные конкуренты пытаются дестабилизировать деятельность и нанести серьезный финансовый и репутационный ущерб американским и канадским компаниям, которые не ведут и не помышляли вести бизнес в Молдавии.

Существует вероятность того, что будет принято решение удовлетворить решение первой судебной инстанции и необоснованно обвинить Matvil. Компания будет лишена возможности что-либо сделать в свою защиту в силу того, что это будет последнее судебное заседание, если дело не будет возвращено в Апелляционный суд.

Учитывая ненадёжность, сомнительность, предвзятость судебной системы Молдавии, которая допускает утаивание информации или пренебрегает объективными фактами (видимыми невооруженным взглядом и не требующими специальных знаний), в компании Matvil не уверены в объективности рассмотрения этого полностью сфальсифицированного судебного дела.

Если Высшая Судебная Палата Молдавии вынесет решение в пользу компании Radio Star Ltd, это будет еще одним вопиющим свидетельством полного развала судебной системы Молдавии.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Matvil Corp. Continues Its Fight Against Illegal Actions of the Legal System of Moldova

A case of intellectual rights dispute sheds light on the corrupt legal system of Moldova

TORONTO, Canada, 2020-May-15 — /EPR LAW NEWS/ — As one of the leading online ethnic TV providers, operating in North America, Matvil Corp. discovered, there is no reliable system in place that protects legal broadcasters from dishonest competition. In their attempts to enter the US and Canadian markets, Internet pirates commit fraud and manipulate data in order to influence the corrupt legal system of Eastern European countries and try to destabilize operations of successful companies, cause financial damage and hurt their reputation.

The case Radio Star Ltd. against Matvil Corp. is a vivid proof of such practices.

On June 8, 2018, Radio Star Ltd. filed a lawsuit against Matvil Corp. in the court of Chisinau, Moldova, stating that the latter illegally broadcasted a number of Russian and Ukrainian channels on the territory of Moldova.

It should be noted right away that in support of its demands, Radio Star (Moldova), knowingly and deliberately used various methods to circumvent technical protection measures undertaken by Matvil Corp., and subsequently presented them as evidence. Using ExpressVPN program, accomplices or employees of Radio Star (Moldova), (which in this case is a media “pirate”), physically located in the Republic of Moldova, created user accounts and, using American IP addresses, with location in New Jersey, USA, registered on the Matvil Corp website, thereby creating the illusion of receiving services offered by the company.

It should be clarified that ExpressVPN program is a virtual tunnel that virtually changes the physical location of a computer or other electronic device, assigning this device a virtual IP address, indicating a virtual location anywhere in the world (at the choice of the user of this program), while physically, the electronic device is located in its territorial space.

Matvil Corp is a respectable media provider that provides online TV broadcasting services in Canada and the United States. Subscription access to the service for users from the countries of former USSR and Russia is strictly prohibited and unavailable.

However, malicious desire for illegal enrichment pushes such adversaries as Radio Star (Moldova) to resort to illegal actions, falsification, fraud and the commission of crimes using IT technologies.

Moreover, as it became known already in the framework of the trial, Radio Star (Moldova) does not have exclusive rights at all to broadcast Russian and Ukrainian television channels in the territory of the Republic of Moldova. Radio Star (Moldova) is just an agent for the distribution and conclusion of contracts with the end consumer and with a limited duration of contractual agreements.

In addition, Matvil Corp did not receive any claims from the copyright holders, and Radio Star (Moldova) did not provide any evidence that authority was granted by the copyright holders to protect their interests.

Despite all of the above, on January 18, 2019, Chisinau Court of First Instance, Judge Oksana Parfeni, ruled in favor of Radio Star, accepting all their fabricated evidence as reliable, but denied Matvil Corp representatives the right to hear IT experts / specialists and also denied the right to hear those persons who allegedly gained access to the service.

If the court were objective and impartial, then these adversaries would be asked only one question: “For what reason and why did they use ExpressVPN program, used American IP addresses, with location in New Jersey, USA, and did not try to log in on Matvil Corp website under valid Moldovan IP addresses? ”

On February 2, 2019 lawyer Matvil Corp appealed the decision of the first instance, however, even here Matvil Corp had to face partiality.

On April 5, 2019, that is, after 2 months, Chisinau Appeal Chamber issued a Decision, which decided to return the appeal because it was filed by an unauthorized person. The reason for this decision was a banal and completely illegal motive: the power of attorney issued to the company’s lawyer was allegedly not legalized in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova.

It should be noted that this Decision was not sent to Matvil Corp lawyers until May 15, 2019 (apparently it was concealed in order to have the appeal dates expire). Only after applying with an official statement and demanding to indicate at what stage the filed appeal was, the court deigned to issue this Decision.

On the same day, May 15, 2019, the lawyer filed a protest against the Decision dated April 5, 2019, where it was decided to return the appeal, and on June 6, 2019, the Higher Trial Chamber of the Republic of Moldova ruled that the power of attorney was legal, and therefore obliged the Appeals Chamber to consider on its own merits the appeal about the decision of the first instance of the Court.

Thus, the first ray of hope for the objectivity and honesty of the Moldovan Judicial System appeared.

November 14, 2019 – The Appeal Court acknowledged the fact that Radio Star (Moldova) does not have any exclusive rights to broadcast TV programs and does not have the authority to protect the interest of copyright holders and, as a result, reversed the decision of the first instance and dismissed adversaries’ lawsuit.

It seemed as though that justice has triumphed!!!

However, the miracles of the legal / judicial system of Moldova continued.

Just by accident and thanks to the vigilance of the lawyers, it became known that Radio Star submitted cassation appeal to the Supreme Court of Justice on January 14, 2020.

This information appeared on the court’s website, but until today, neither Matvil Corp nor the company’s lawyer have received a copy of this complaint and have not been officially informed of its existence.

Moreover, on March 18, 2020 this complaint has already passed the admissibility procedure, and the review itself is scheduled for May 20, 2020 and, what is noteworthy, without the participation of the parties!

This series of non-compliance with the requirements of the Law by the system itself, which was created to protect it, shows that it serves the interests of a certain group of people.

Using the Moldovan judicial system, unscrupulous competitors try to destabilize the business and cause serious financial and reputational damage to American and Canadian companies that do not conduct and did not intend on conducting business in Moldova.

Via EPR Network
More Law press releases

Иск о нарушении прав интеллектуальной собственности продемонстрировал масштаб коррупции судебной системы Молдовы

Торонто, Канада, 24-Jun-2019 — /EPR LAW NEWS/ — Как обнаружил один из ведущих провайдеров этнического онлайн-телевидения, предоставляющий услуги на территории Северной Америки, Matvil Corp., у легальных вещателей не существует надежной системы защиты от недобросовестных конкурентов. Интернет пираты, пытающиеся пробиться на рынок США и Канады путём подтасовок, манипулирования данными и используя коррумпированные судейские системы стран Восточной Европы, пытаются дестабилизировать деятельность успешно работающих компаний и нанести им серьезный финансовый и репутационный ущерб.

Ярким доказательством сказанного явилось дело Radio Star Ltd. против Matvil Corp.

8 июня 2018 года Radio Star Ltd. подало иск против Matvil Corp. в суде города Кишинев (Молдова), заявив, что последний незаконно вещает ряд российских и украинских телеканалов на территории республики Молдова.

Доказательства, представленные в суд в поддержку этих ложных обвинений, были сфабрикованы притворными пользователями сервиса: Мунтяну Николаем и Унгуряну Серджиу, которые обращались к страницам услуг, предназначенным для пользователей из США и Канады, находясь в Кишиневе (Молдова) физически. Они зарегистрировались на сайте Matvil Corp., создали учетные записи пользователей и через ExpressVPN смогли использовать американские IP-адреса. С помощью этих незаконных манипуляций они создали скриншоты контента, доступного только пользователям находящимся на территории Северной Америки, создав тем самым ложное доказательство нарушения авторских прав, которое впоследствии было передано в суд.

Эта тактика обмана суда была успешной, и судья Оксана Парфени вынесла решение в пользу Radio Stars даже не указав причину, по которой она приняла такое решение, несмотря на явно сфабрикованные доказательства, представленные истцом. Возможно, это можно рассматривать как техническое невежество, если бы не тот факт, что последовавшая за этим попытка обжаловать это решение была отклонена судом второй инстанции, судьими (Марина Антон, Виталие Которобай и Ион Цуркан), которые мотивировали свой отказ тем,что адвокаты Matvil Corp. не имели полномочий представлять Matvil, хотя ранее судья Оксана Парфени, рассматривавшая это дело в первой инстанции, не высказала таких сомнений в ходе судебного разбирательства.

Впервые подозрения в том, что судьи были предвзятыми, возникли, когда судья первой инстанции Оксана Парфени отклонила просьбу адвоката Матвила пригласить в суд технических экспертов, которые были готовы предоставить неоспоримые доказательства фальсификации предоставленных истцом фактов и включить показания экспертов в дело.

Вторым подозрительным фактом явилось отсутствие в вердикте судьи обоснования принятого ею решения.

Третьим фактом, свидетельствующим об отсутствии законности в молдавском суде явилось то, что когда была подана апелляция в суд второй инстанции, то решение об отказе апелляции даже не было послано адвокатам защиты, которые узнали об неправомочном решении только тогда, когда это решение было уже опубликовано публично, таким образом намеренно лишив адвокатов Матвил возможности обжаловать это решение сразу же в суде второй инстанции. Что по сути являлось вопиющим нарушением элементарных юридических норм.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Matvil Corp. Fights the Illegal Actions of the Legal System of Moldova

A case of intellectual rights dispute shreds light on the corrupt legal system of Moldova

Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2019-Jun-22 — /EPR LAW NEWS/ — As one of the leading online ethnic TV providers, operating in North America, Matvil Corp. discovered, there is no reliable system in place that protects legal broadcasters from dishonest competition. In their attempts to enter the US and Canadian markets, Internet pirates commit fraud and manipulate data in order to influence the corrupt legal system of Eastern European countries and try to destabilize the operation of successful companies, cause financial damage and hurt their reputation.

The case Radio Star Ltd. against Matvil Corp. is a vivid proof of such practices. On June 8, 2018, Radio Star Ltd. filed a lawsuit against Matvil Corp. in the court of Chisinau, Moldova, stating that the latter illegally broadcasted a number of Russian And Ukrainian channels on the territory of Moldova.

The evidence submitted to court in support of these false accusations were fabricated by the pretense service users: Munteanu Nicolai and Ungureanu Sergiu who accessed the service pages targeted for users based in the US and Canada while being physically present in Chisinau (Moldova). They registered at Matvil website, created user accounts and through ExpressVPN were able to use American IP-addresses.

Through these illegal manipulations they made screenshots of content available only to North American users thus creating a false evidence of copyright infringement that was later submitted to court.

This tactics of deceiving the court was a success and the judge Oxana Parfeni ruled in Radio Stars’ favor, failing to provide the reason for doing so, despite the obviously fabricated proof submitted by the Plaintiff.

This could possibly be seen as a technical ignorance hasn’t it been for the fact that the attempt to appeal the ruling that followed was denied by the Court of Appeal by the judges Marina Anton, Vitalie Kotorobay and Ion Tzurkan who explained that they denied the motion to appeal based on the fact that Matvil’s attorneys did not have the authority to represent Matvil even though previously no such doubts were raised by the judge Oxana Parfeni in trial court.

The suspicions that the judges were biased were first raised when the judge of the trial court Oxana Parfeni denied a request of Matvil’s attorney to interview technical experts who were ready to submit an undeniable proof of the fraud nature of the evidence submitted by the Plaintiff and to incorporate this evidence into the case.

The second fact that caused the suspicions was a failure of the Judge to justify her decision in the verdict.

The third evidence of the failure of Moldovian legal system to comply with the Law is the fact that when the motion to appeal was submitted into the Court of Appeal the decision to deny the appeal was not sent to Matvil’s attorneys who had to find out about this illegal decision only after it was made public thus intentionally depriving Matvil’s attorneys’ of the opportunity to appeal this decision directly in the Court of Appeal which is an outrageous disregard of the basic legal norms.

Via EPR Network
More Law press releases

RCS & RDS S.A. entered into a settlement agreement with Antena TV Group S.A. and Antena 3 S.A.

BUCHAREST, Romania, 18-Jun-2018 — /EPR Law News/ — The Company would like to inform its shareholders and the market that RCS & RDS S.A., the Romanian subsidiary of the Company (“RCS&RDS”), entered on 15 June 2018 into a settlement agreement with Antena TV Group S.A.and Antena 3 S.A. (“Antena Group”).

This settlement ends all lawsuits between RCS&RDS and Antena Group and related entities, which we have previously disclosed in detail to the market and to our investors in the initial public offering prospectus dated 26 April 2017, in the bond public offering memoranda from 2016 and 2017, as well as in the subsequent periodic public reports.

Also, RCS&RDS and Antena Group entities have also concluded a carriage agreement based on which RCS&RDS will continue to retransmit the Antena Group channels as pay-tv stations as soon as the Antena Group channels will exit the must-carry regime.

For details regarding the reports, please access the official websites designated of Digi: www.digi-communications.ro (Investor Relations Section).

SOURCE: EuropaWire

New Contra Costa County Family Court Rules Reduce Cost of Divorce in East Bay

Continuing its progressive role in stream-lining the court system and making it more accessible, the Contra Costa County Superior Court has implemented new rules that encourage divorcing parties to avoid court, to reach their own agreements through a voluntary, out of court process, and save significantly on the attorney’s fees that are otherwise needed to appear repeatedly in court.

Local Rule 12.5 governing “Collaborative Law” cases went into effect January 1st of this year (1/1/2011), stating “The Court recognizes the unique nature of family law disputes and the fact that family law issues are best resolved by the parties reaching agreement over critical matters as child custody, support and property, without engaging in the traditional adversarial litigation process.” Unique among Bay Area family courts, this suburban county court has officially stated it “strongly supports the use of the collaborative law process” and other out of court means to resolve disputes to “meet the best interests of the entire family, particularly the children”.

Many divorcing families are now choosing this alternative divorce process calledCollaborative Divorce, which involves attorneys and other specialists to help the family understand and decide important (and often complicated) custody and financial issues, but which is almost entirely done out of court in a mediation style process. To be “collaborative”, both sides sign a contract promising to stay out of court, to freely exchange documents and information, and to work with professionals to find mutual agreement, rather than constantly threatening the other side with court.

Previously, collaborative attorneys have been in a gray area so far as what was necessary to satisfy the usual requirements and formalities imposed by every court when a divorce petition is filed. Now at least in Contra Costa County, there is some clarity, which should save money for collaborative divorce litigants.

The most tangible impact of the new Rule 12.5 is that the attorneys for both sides will not be required to file statements, and appear in court for routine Case Management Conferences, which are otherwise required of litigants and potentially involve multiple appearances to achieve nothing more than “management” of the case, and which do not typically resolve any of the substantive issues. Instead, parties are allowed at least 1 year to resolve the case out of court without needing to pay their attorneys to report to the judge on how the case is coming along. Parties are also freed from other common deadlines and “scheduling orders” that tend to drive up the cost of a divorce. Real cost savings are expected to result by freeing parties of these various burdens.

To benefit from the new rule, parties must sign a formal document binding them to the collaborative divorce process, typically by hiring an attorney specifically trained in this cutting-edge approach to divorce.

Mr. Holcomb is a trained Collaborative Divorce attorney, offering “out of court” divorce services. He has 25 years experience as a divorce and civil litigator in all the Northern California courts. He is available for mediation, litigation and pre-marital and post-marital planning.

Mr. Holcomb offers a fixed fee initial consultation at either his main South Berkeley or Walnut Creek office.

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Law press releases

Law Offices of James Scott Farrin Attorney Earns Board Certification

The Law Offices of James Scott Farrin is proud to announce that Attorney Barry Jennings has recently passed the exam to become a Board Certified Specialist in Workers’ Compensation Law.

Board Certified Specialists are lawyers certified by the North Carolina State Bar as having demonstrated special knowledge, skill and proficiency in a specific area of law. The certification process for workers’ compensation law requires at least five years of substantial involvement practicing workers’ compensation law, completing at least 36 hours of Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits in workers’ compensation and related legal fields, a satisfactory review by at least five legal peers, and passing a comprehensive written examination.

Prior to joining the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin in 2006, Jennings worked as a defense attorney defending employers against the claims of injured workers. This experience has given him a keen appreciation for workers’ compensation law from both sides of the table.

A graduate of the University of North Carolina School of Law, Jennings currently represents workers who have suffered serious injuries as a result of a work accident. He is a member of The Order of Barristers, the Workplace Injury Litigation Group and the North Carolina Advocates for Justice.

Four of the six Board Certified Specialists in Workers’ Compensation law practicing in the city of Durham work for the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin. In addition, James Scott Farrin Attorney Rick Fleming is a Board Certified Specialist in Social Security Disability Law.

“We are committed to providing top notch legal talent for our clients,” says Founder and President James S. Farrin. “We believe that our experienced, capable attorneys, including our Board Certified Specialists, can make a difference in our client’s cases.”

Founded: 1997 by James S. Farrin, Duke University School of Law, J.D. (1990) in Durham

Number of employees: Approximately 130, including 24 attorneys. Approximately 20 staff members are fluently bilingual, speaking English and Spanish.

Offices: 13 statewide, including Durham , Raleigh , Charlotte , Fayetteville , Greensboro , Greenville , Goldsboro , Henderson , New Bern , Roanoke Rapids, Rocky Mount , Sanford , Wilson

Major practice areas: Personal Injury, Intellectual Property, Civil Rights, Social Security, Workers’ Compensation

Website: http://www.farrin.com

Presently leading one of the largest civil rights cases in United States history: In re Black Farmers Discrimination Litigation, Case No. 08-mc-0511 (PLF) (D.D.C.), which deals with the United States Department of Agriculture’s discrimination against African-American farmers.

The firm’s many philanthropic pursuits include Duke Children’s Hospital, The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and Mothers Against Drunk Driving. The firm has a matching-gift program wherein it matches an employee’s philanthropic contributions.

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Schillings Grows Family Department To Meet Increasing Client Demand

Schillings, the leading law firm protecting the rights and reputations of corporate organisations, high-profile individuals and those in the public eye, has increased its family department to meet the growing demand from its clients, particularly those who want to ensure their family and matrimonial matters are not publicised by the media.

Schillings has recently recruited Davina Hay to join its family law department alongside Keith Schilling, Rachel Atkins and David Greer. A litigator with expertise in family law, Davina advises on separation, divorce and ancillary relief, jurisdictional disputes, multi-jurisdictional divorce cases involving significant assets and enforcement issues. Before she joined Schillings, Davina trained and qualified at a City law firm where she spent six years acting for a number of well known actors, successful entrepreneurs and international clients. She brings with her extensive experience as a litigator and enhances the firm’s provision of advice to high net-worth and high profile individuals in all aspects of divorce, relationship breakdown, ancillary relief, pre- and post-nuptial agreements and private children matters.

Schillings’ family department is led by Keith Schilling, the founder and senior partner of the firm, who represented Shan Lambert in her successful appeal in 2002, achieving the first 50/50 split of assets in a “big money” divorce.

Working alongside Mr Schilling is Partner Rachel Atkins who earlier this year, together with Associate David Greer, acted for a celebrity father in a test case following the introduction of new rules allowing media attendance in family proceedings, and succeeded in application to exclude the media from attending court hearings concerning his child.

When speaking about the growing family department Keith Schilling said, “In the last few years we have seen a significant increase in the demand for advice from high net worth and high profile individuals in connection with matters relating to divorce, often involving multiple jurisdictions, children and most notably pre- and post-nuptial agreements.”

Mr Schilling went on to say, “High net worth individuals and those in the public eye regularly discover their privacy has been invaded or their reputation defamed when details of their personal lives or the breakdown of their relationship are leaked to the press and publicised. It is logical, therefore, to respond to the demand from our clients by strengthening our team and combining our family and matrimonial advice with the firm’s pre-eminent experience in the area of reputation protection, so that we can ensure that press interest is managed to our client’s advantage.”

Speaking about the press interest surrounding high net worth individuals and those in the public eye Davina Hay said, “Clients, even those without a high public profile, are increasingly finding themselves the subject of intrusive press interest following relationship breakdown or in the event of disputes involving children. Aside from the unwanted emotional strain at an already stressful time, the financial consequences of the resulting reputational damage can be devastating. However, it is possible to manage such threats and give clients the space to resolve family issues free from unwanted media scrutiny.”

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Schillings Announce Libel Claim Win For Michael Essien Against The People

The Chelsea premiership footballer Michael Essien, represented by London law firm Schillings, has won his libel claim (Case number HQ09X02164) against the People newspaper.

Libel proceedings were issued against MGN Limited, the publisher of the People newspaper, following the publication of two articles. The first article, published on 25 May 2008, carried the headline “Chelsea Cheat Michael Essien: I’ll Stand by my Love Child”. This was followed by another article on 3 May 2009 under the headline “Sex Cheat Star Essien Gets Boot”.

The articles claimed that Mr Essien had cheated on his long term partner by having numerous affairs with other women and fathered a child behind his partner’s back. As a result, his partner had called off their wedding. These allegations were found to be false and grossly defamatory towards Mr Essien.

The People has accepted that these allegations are untrue, and has paid Mr Essien substantial damages as well as agreeing to pay his legal costs. The People have also undertaken not to repeat the allegations.

In its apology, the People said: “On 25 May 2008 and 3 May 2009 we reported that Michael Essien had cheated on his long term girlfriend Nadia Buari by having numerous affairs behind her back including one in which he fathered a child. On 3 May we reported that as a result of his behaviour Ms Buari called their wedding off. We now accept that these allegations are untrue. We apologise to Mr Essien for any distress or embarrassment caused.”

A representative of Schillings who represented Michael Essien said: “There has been a lot of inaccurate reporting concerning Michael and he was not prepared to allow this misreporting to continue.”

Schillings also said that, “these allegations were not put to Michael or his representatives prior to publication and had the People done so they would have been informed of their utter falsity.”

Caroline McAteer of The Sports PR Company said on behalf of Michael Essien: “Michael is delighted to have won his case and to have set the record straight. He would have preferred not to take action, but had no alternative in this case. Michael is pleased that this matter has now been resolved.”

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Shillings Win Apology And Damages For Olivier Martinez From The Sun

Olivier Martinez, represented by London law firm Schillings and Paris law firm Asmar & Assayag has won his libel action against The Sun, at the High Court in London, following the publication of false allegations that Mr. Martinez cheated on Kylie Minogue during their relationship. (Case number: HQ08X02862)

On 26 November 2007, The Sun published an article under the headline “Kylie ‘still loves’ ex Martinez” which contained the defamatory and untrue allegation that Mr Martinez had cheated on Kylie Minogue. In order to vindicate his reputation Mr. Martinez issued libel proceedings against News Group Newspapers Limited in relation to the article.

A representative of Schillings said that: “This false allegation has caused Mr. Martinez considerable embarrassment and distress.”

They also said that: “Mr. Martinez is glad that The Sun has accepted that the allegations are false and that the article should never have been published at all”.

In the High Court in London The Sun newspaper apologised to Mr. Martinez, agreed to publish an apology in the newspaper and to pay damages and legal costs.

The Sun’s lawyer said: “The Defendant sincerely apologises to the Claimant for the distress and embarrassment this article has caused. It accepts that the allegations are untrue and ought never to have been published.”

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Schillings Will Be Taking Part In A Panel Discussion At The 2009 Reputation Conference

Schillings, the leading law firm protecting individual and corporate reputations, will be taking part in a panel discussion, chaired by Dr Kevin Money Associate Professor and Director of the John Madejski Centre for Reputation, at the 2009 Reputation Conference.

Keith Schilling is Senior Partner and Co-Founder of Schillings and is a Solicitor-Advocate. He is one of the most sought after reputation management lawyers in Britain due to his work in defamation and privacy and in 2008 he was placed 10th in the Times list of the 100 most powerful and influential lawyers in England for his work in achieving a number of landmark decisions in privacy law. He has helped to protect the reputations of film, sports and entertainment stars as well as international corporations and business executives.

Keith Schilling, joins a panel of experts in protecting reputations to answer the question ‘Future avenues for building reputation. Where do we go from here?’ The panel will close the conference with a review of the learnings from the day and discuss how organisations should prepare themselves for the future challenges in managing reputations and corporate responsibility.

As a new decade approaches, the conference will examine the challenges of managing reputation and relationships in times of organisational change and will consider the lessons learnt from recent corporate scandals in the management of reputation.

About Schillings:
Schillings is one of Britain’s top law firms dedicated to safeguarding the reputations of international corporations, brands, celebrities and high-profile business people. The firm’s track-record in defamation, privacy law and copyright cases, as well as commercial litigation is second to none.

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Schillings Client Jacob Zuma, The President Of South Africa, Has Won Very Substantial Damages After A Libel Case Against The Guardian Newspaper Following False Allegations Printed Earlier This Year

On 6 March 2009, the Manchester based newspaper published an article that falsely claimed that President Zuma was guilty of rape, corruption and bribery. President Zuma began legal action against the daily newspaper earlier this year claiming defamation, saying the article was grossly false and indefensible.

schillings - Jacob Zuma

After being taken to court, the Guardian has apologised to the ANC leader and agreed to pay very substantial damages as well as cover legal costs.

In a statement read in the High Court on 30 July 2009, Schillings solicitor Jenny Afia described the allegations as being “of the utmost seriousness and totally untrue”. She went on to explain that: “In light of the facts that the [Guardian] is now willing to pay very substantial damages and it has publicly apologised to [President Zuma], [President Zuma] considers that his reputation in this matter has been entirely vindicated and he is prepared not to proceed any further in his action against the [Guardian].”

Speaking from Mahlambandlovu last night, the president’s official residence in Pretoria, President Zuma said: “What was said was extremely serious, not just for me but for the ANC. I am very pleased that the Guardian has now apologised. I firmly believe in press freedom and freedom of expression. I have fought for these and other basic rights my whole life and I will continue to support this. We had to take action in this matter because the publication crossed the line. Media around the world are obliged to exercise their freedom of speech in a responsible manner.”

About Schillings:
Schillings is one of Britain’s top law firms dedicated to reputation management and the safeguarding of international corporations, brands, celebrities and high-profile business people. The firm’s track-record in media management, privacy law and copyright cases, as well as commercial dispute resolution and sports law is second to none.

Defamation, privacy and copyright are at the heart of the firm’s work, prompting The Independent newspaper to call Schillings a “spectacularly efficient media law firm”.

Schillings clients include supermodel Naomi Campbell, actress Kate Winslet, seven times Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong, premiership footballer Wayne Rooney, Harry Potter author JK Rowling, pharmaceuticals maker GlaxoSmithKline, steel maker Arcelor Mittal, the Harrods Group and the London Stock Exchange.

Court case number: HQ09X01290

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Schillings Take First Place At The Lawyer Awards 2009

Once again Schillings has reason to celebrate the successes of their legal team as one of its lawyers, Matthew Himsworth, wins first place in the Assistant Solicitor of the Year category at the Lawyer Awards ceremony.

Matthew Himsworth is an associate at Schillings and specialises in reputation protection on behalf of corporations, brands and public figures. He has developed his career over the last seven years, having trained with Schillings, and has built a strong profile both within the firm and externally within the legal profession and with clients.

The award is presented to the solicitor who has demonstrated entrepreneurship, business building skills and technical legal skills. Matthew’s commitment to both the firm and its clients extends beyond his core role and is evident in the numerous projects he has initiated. In particular he developed the firm’s trainee coaching programme with the objective to provide full training in the practical legal tools as well as promoting thought-leadership on relevant topics. This training programme helps prepare trainees so that when they qualify they can build upon their legal technical know-how by enrolling in the Schillings Academy.

Matthew’s highest profile success was for the stock broking firm, Collins Stewart in its well documented libel action against the Financial Times. This was the largest claim ever brought and Matthew helped achieve a ground-breaking apology on the front page of the Companies and Markets section along with and substantial damages

Speaking after the awards, Matthew Himsworth said, “It was a great surprise and a huge honour to win the award. It’s a tremendous accolade to be recognised by your own profession.”

Matthew has received praise from many of his clients, mainly from the firm’s sports law practice, which he has been instrumental in developing. Clients commend Himsworth as, “Personable whilst providing clear and sensible advice”, and that, “He offers excellent strategic recommendations”. One major sporting body went on to state, “We have found Matt to be extremely professional and we are delighted to be associated with him”.

This award follows a number of recent achievements at various industry awards. Schillings won first place in the Partner of the Year category in 2008 and has twice been winners of the Niche Firm of the Year (2002 and 2003) at the Lawyer Awards. In addition, the firm won the Young Solicitor of the Year at the British Legal Awards 2008.

About Schillings:
Schillings is one of Britain’s top law firms dedicated to safeguarding the reputations of international corporations, brands, celebrities and high-profile business people. The firm’s track-record in defamation, privacy law and copyright cases, as well as commercial dispute resolution and sports law is second to none.

Defamation, privacy and copyright are at the heart of the firm’s work, prompting The Independent newspaper to call Schillings a “spectacularly efficient media law firm”.

Schillings clients include supermodel Naomi Campbell, actress Kate Winslet, seven times Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong, premiership footballer Wayne Rooney, Harry Potter author JK Rowling, pharmaceuticals maker GlaxoSmithKline, steel maker Arcelor Mittal, the Harrods Group and the London Stock Exchange.

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Dallas Digital Forensics Expert Erin Nealy Cox Has Earned A Spot On The Dallas Business Journal’s “40 Under 40” List Of The City’s Top Young Business Minds

Dallas digital forensics expert Erin Nealy Cox has earned a spot on the Dallas Business Journal’s “40 Under 40” list of the city’s top young business minds. Ms. Nealy Cox is a Managing Director and Deputy General Counsel for the global digital forensics firm Stroz Friedberg.

She joins a high-caliber list of entrepreneurs and executives recognized for their accomplishments, business insights and potential to shape the city’s economic future for years to come. The Dallas Business Journal staff pored over hundreds of nominations from local business leaders to develop the annual “40 Under 40” list.

Ms. Nealy Cox leads Stroz Friedberg’s Dallas’ office and cutting-edge computer forensics lab. The firm represents public and private businesses, global corporations, law firms, government agencies and courts in digital forensics, electronic discovery and cyber security matters.

A former federal prosecutor, Ms. Nealy Cox previously served as the Computer Hacking and Intellectual Property Coordinator for the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Texas – Dallas Division. She led major cyber-crime prosecutions across the United States and handled numerous complex white-collar fraud, public corruption, intellectual property theft and child-exploitation cases. During her distinguished career with the Department of Justice, Ms. Cox also served as chief of staff and senior counsel for the Office of Legal Policy at Main Justice in Washington, D.C.

Prior to her work as a prosecutor, Ms. Nealy Cox served federal judicial clerkships for the Hon. Barefoot Sanders in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas and the Hon. Henry A. Politz of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. She earned her undergraduate degree at the University of Texas before completing her legal studies at the Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law.

About Stroz Friedberg
Stroz Friedberg is the leading global consulting firm for managing digital risk and uncovering digital evidence. We specialize in digital forensics, eDiscovery, data breach response, and cyber and traditional investigations, as well as other areas that involve the widening intersection between technology, law, and policy. With eleven offices throughout the US and the UK, Stroz Friedberg does work on behalf of eight of the top Fortune 10 companies, 72 of the top 100 US-headquartered law firms, and 16 of the top UK law firms. The firm is also Safe Harbor-certified to ensure data security standards for European Union clients. Find out more at www.strozfriedberg.com.

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Schillings Launches The Schillings Academy

Schillings the leading law firm protecting the privacy and reputation of corporates and high-profile individuals has launched the Schillings Academy, an advanced and unique course which will provide unparalleled training to staff at the firm.


The Schillings Academy will be delivered in-house and will equip the firm’s employees with the skills and specialist knowledge to provide the same excellent client service that the firm’s partners have become known for.

The Schillings Academy is the result of two years of development and will concentrate on building excellence in three key areas including advanced legal training for qualified lawyers, enhanced teaching for trainees and commercial skills training for the business support function. The first phase of the Schillings Academy will roll out a two year, 100 hour bespoke training programme in reputation management and privacy law to qualified lawyers currently working at the firm. Additionally the programme will carry CPD points and will ensure that all qualified lawyers exceed their CPD requirements without the need to go on external generic courses.

The four main components of Schillings Academy for qualified lawyers will be advanced modules on defamation, privacy law and confidence and advocacy and related reputation management laws. Working together with leading professors including Professor Gavin Phillipson and the College of Law, the Schillings Academy will foster and harness new ways of thinking on how to approach and deploy the law to achieve the best results for the firm’s clients.

Speaking on the firm’s 25th anniversary, Keith Schilling, founding partner of Schillings, said: “Schillings is fortunate to have created a reputation over the last 25 years for being at the forefront of privacy and reputation law. The launch of our Schillings Academy demonstrates to our clients our continued commitment to deliver excellence to our clients in everything that we do. It is with great pride that we are launching this market leading initiative, which demonstrates Schillings commitment to providing the best training to its lawyers, with the most advanced knowledge and expertise available. This academy takes the firm into a new season and we look forward to our next 25 years.”

About Schillings
Schillings is one of Britain’s top law firms dedicated to safeguarding the reputations of international corporations, brands, celebrities and high-profile business people. The firm’s 25 year track-record in defamation, privacy law and copyright cases, as well as commercial dispute resolution and sports law, is second to none.

Defamation privacy and copyright are at the heart of the firm’s work, prompting The Independent newspaper to call Schillings a “spectacularly efficient media law firm”.

Schillings clients include supermodel Naomi Campbell, actress Kate Winslet, seven times Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong, premiership footballer Wayne Rooney, Harry Potter author JK Rowling, pharmaceuticals maker GlaxoSmithKline, steel maker Arcelor Mittal, the Harrods Group and the London Stock Exchange.

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Hill Schwartz Spilker Keller LLC Announced The Successful Utilization Of Remlox, A Patent Pending Forensic ESI Collection Tool, In Africa, Central America, Europe And The United States

National firm Hill Schwartz Spilker Keller LLC (HSSK) announced the successful utilization of Remlox(tm), a patent pending forensic ESI collection tool, in Africa, Central America, Europe and the United States.

The use of Remlox allowed the firm to remotely acquire forensic images of hard drives located throughout Nigeria, Costa Rica, England and various locations in the United States. Before Remlox, such sector-by-sector forensic imaging required onsite collection by one of the firm’s computer forensics experts. HSSK distributed Remlox to several hundred custodians, avoiding the cost and logistical issues of on-site imaging. Complete, encrypted forensic images were verified in HSSK’s Houston Computer Forensics lab, the nation’s first non-governmental lab to be accredited by the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board (ASCLD/LAB).

“By remotely acquiring forensic images, Remlox answers a great need in the industry.” said David Greetham, Computer Forensics practice director at HSSK.

“Remlox now allows attorneys to forensically acquire ESI, without the usual high costs associated with traveling to different remote locations, while negating the risks associated with self collection.”

Remlox runs directly from a pre-configured external USB drive that is sent to the custodian and requires no installation. It performs a tamper proof system audit of the acquired computer and has the option to forensically acquire the contents of RAM. Greetham added, “Using Remlox is quick and simple. On one occasion, we sent over 350 units to individual locations in two days and had the data back in our lab for verification within one week. On other occasions, we have utilized Remlox in locations that would simply be cost prohibitive to travel to.”

Remlox utilizes AES 256 bit encryption, to protect the integrity of the forensic images in transit.

Hill Schwartz Spilker Keller LLC (www.hsskgroup.com) is a leader in providing Computer Forensic services. HSSK’s Houston lab holds the distinction of being the first non-governmental lab in the United States to obtain ASCLD accreditation. HSSK also provides business valuation, litigation consulting and forensic accounting services from its offices in Houston, Dallas and Washington D.C.

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Schillings Law Firm Has Been Shortlisted In The Lawyer Awards 2009

Schillings, one of the UK’s foremost law firms leading the way in protecting reputations by employing legal tools including privacy, defamation, copyright and commercial litigation, has announced that Matthew Himsworth has been shortlisted for the Assistant Solicitor of the Year award at this year’s The Lawyer Awards.


Matthew Himsworth is an associate at Schillings and specialises in reputation management on behalf of corporations, brands and public figures. He has developed his career over the last seven years, having trained with Schillings, and has built a strong profile both within the firm and externally within the legal profession and with clients.

A strong factor in Matthew’s shortlisting for ‘Assistant Solicitor of the Year’ was his demonstration of entrepreneurship and business building skills, when identifying new opportunities for creating additional revenue streams f r o m an area within the practice. Working with the Schillings marketing team, Matthew devised a strategy for formally growing the sports law practice. The objective was to create a short, medium and long term plan to provide partners and fee earners with a framework to facilitate keeping in regular contact with existing clients and a method to raise brand awareness and generate new business development leads.

Matthew’s highest profile success was for the stock broking firm, Collins Stewart in its well documented libel action against the Financial Times. This was the largest claim ever brought and Matthew helped achieve a ground-breaking apology on the front page of the Companies and Markets section and substantial damages.

Matthew’s legal technical skills together with the many excellent references he received have contributed to his nomination in the upcoming Lawyer Awards.

The Lawyer Awards, now in its fifteenth year, remains the benchmark for excellence within the legal profession and are open to participation by private practice, in-house counsel and members of the Bar. The winners of the awards will be announced at the Awards ceremony on Tuesday 23rd June 2009 at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London.

About Schillings:
Schillings is one of Britain’s top law firms dedicated to safeguarding the reputations of international corporations, brands, celebrities and high-profile business people. The firm’s track-record in defamation, privacy law and copyright cases, as well as commercial dispute resolution and sports law is second to none. Defamation, privacy and copyright are at the heart of the firm’s work, prompting The Independent newspaper to call Schillings a “spectacularly efficient media law firm”. Schillings clients include supermodel Naomi Campbell, actress Kate Winslet, seven times Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong, premiership footballer Wayne Rooney, Harry Potter author JK Rowling, pharmaceuticals maker GlaxoSmithKline, steel maker Arcelor Mittal, the Harrods Group and the London Stock Exchange.

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Downsized Paralegal Lisa Ferguson Offers Transcription And Litigation Support Services

Like so many workers these days, after many years of gainful employment, Lisa Ferguson found herself in the position of looking for work. Lisa has seventeen years in the legal field. She has worked in the Lisa Fergusoncourt, as a Landlord/Tenant Clerk, and she has worked as a Legal Assistant for Liberty Mutual and Zurich North America insurance companies. She has also worked as for her local county law department. She has provided an array of litigation support functions throughout her career, from scheduling depositions to performing electronic legal research and drafting pleadings.

After spending countless hours posting resumes on job sites, submitting resumes to job postings in newspaper want ads and going on numerous interviews only to learn that for each interview that she did land, there were a minimum of fifty other workers applying to, or being interviewed for, that same position, she decided that she needed a new approach to here situation.

Finally, Lisa decided that instead of competing with countless others for one position, she could market her skills, as an independent contractor, directly to employers, large and small. Her business, New York Trial Assistant, offers transcription of audio and digital voice files, electronic legal research, document drafting; including summonses and complaints, answers and motions, document retrieval, calendar maintenance, scheduling IMEs, depositions, etc. and every aspect of litigation support.

When asked why she decided to give up the job search, Lisa responded, “Because opportunity doesn’t always knock on your door. In these economic times, you have to create your own opportunities.”

She may have found her niche. She says that she has a few steady clients, and she is able to work on her own schedule. She was happy to give up the four hours of commuting time, and she is grateful for the time she gets to spend with her family.

When asked how she likes being in business for herself she said, “It’s a slow process, but, I am sure things will work out in the long run.”

Ms. Ferguson a member of the National Association of Professional Women. For more information about her and the services she provides, view her profile at: http://www.napw.com/MemberDisplay.cfm?M=m=Lisa-Ferguson-10237262.

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Schillings Will Be Delivering The Closing Keynote Address At This Year’s Trust & Estates Litigation Forum

Schillings, one of the UK’s top law firms dedicated to protecting the reputations of international corporations, brands and celebrities, will be delivering the closing keynote address at this year’s Trust & Estates Litigation Forum.

Rod Christie-Miller, a partner at Schillings, will deliver the closing speech at the Legal Week-sponsored conference, which will discuss and offer advice on managing disputes amid market turbulence to a target audience of lawyers, banks and other financial companies.

With the world’s financial markets having been in the grip of a debilitating crisis since mid-2008, this has inevitably affected the work of trust and estate litigators. The 2009 Trust and Estates Litigation conference programme will examine the impact of this turmoil along with some of the key issues surrounding the current contentious trust markets.

Rod Christie-Miller’s closing address will highlight how the press will report on commercial litigation in the next year and what can be done about it. The press have always been interested in reporting on publicly available Court documents and public testimony as an easy and quick news source and recent commercial and legal developments mean that is going to be increasingly prevalent. Rod will look at the reasons behind this trend, and also outline how the law can be used to counteract that threat.

Rod Christie-Miller is a litigator and leading expert in using the law of defamation, privacy and breach of confidence to protect clients who find themselves in the media spotlight. He specialises in reputation management for companies and their senior executives, public figures, overseas investors, high-net worth individuals and entrepreneurs particularly from the UK and the former Soviet states.

The Legal Week Trust & Estates Forum will take place from the 26th – 28th February at the Four Seasons Resort Provence at Terre Blanche, France, in association with The American Lawyer and principally sponsored by Legal Week and RBC Wealth Management, with Blackberry, Appleby and Carey Olsen also offering their sponsorship to the event.

For further information about the event please contact Steve Hands on 020 7316 9602 or steve.hands@incisivemedia.com.

About Schillings:
Schillings is one of Britain’s top law firms dedicated to safeguarding the reputations of international corporations, brands, celebrities and high-profile business people. The firm’s track-record in defamation, privacy and copyright cases, as well as commercial dispute resolution is second to none.

Defamation privacy and copyright are at the heart of the firm’s work, prompting The Independent newspaper to call Schillings a “spectacularly efficient media law firm.”

Schillings clients include Lord Browne of Madingley, Las Vegas Sands Casino owner Sheldon Adelson, supermodel Naomi Campbell, actress Nicole Kidman, seven times Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong, Harry Potter author JK Rowling as well as corporations such as GlaxoSmithKline, Kaupthing bank, steel maker Arcelor Mittal, the Harrods Group and the London Stock Exchange.

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